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The Dimensional Hole Content Update (Team Builds, Rewards, & More)

general guides Nov 30, 2019

Table of Contents (Links):

As you can guess from the name "Dimension Hole", this new Summoners War content will have you transport yourself and monsters to other dimensions with new scenario like stages. 

Here is where you will be able to access the Dimension Hole once it is released: 

Once you enter the Dimension Hole you will be able to access the new scenario stages shown below:

New Type of Energy: Dimension Hole Energy

As you can see from the above images there will be a new type of energy (The orange color energy) that you will use to farm these stages. 

Here is what we know so far about this new energy:

  1. You can have up to 100 energy at a time 
  2. Each stage costs 1 energy to enter
  3. You will recharge 1 dimension energy every 2 hours
  4. You cannot recharge dimension energy with crystals

Dimension Stage Limits

Each stage will have certain limits you have to meet in order to enter the battle. This will make it so we have to make new teams for each stage. 

Karzhan: You can only use default 4-star or below monsters.

Ellunia: Only monsters of the same attribute can enter battle together.


Dimension Bosses and Skills

The Dimensional bosses will be called Ancient Guardians. See the image of them below:

Each boss will have special skills and be able to summon monsters to help them fight against your monsters.  

Dimension Karzhan - Ancient Guardian Skills:

Dimension Karzhan - Summoned Monsters:

Dimension Ellunia - Ancient Guardian Skills:


Dimension Ellunia - Summoned Monsters:


Dimensional Hole Team Builds

Here are the best performing teams so far the the Karzhan Dimension:

Karzhan Remains (Awakening Dungeon):

Strong Monsters: Verdehile, Fran, Hwa, Shaina, Sabrina, Other Boomerang Warrior

Safe Team Example:

  • Verdehile (L), Fran, Hwa, (Awakening Monster)

Attack Order: If you have good enough runes you should be able to go straight for the boss and ignore the side towers. If your runes aren't good enough you should kill the left tower first then the boss.  

Forest of Roaring Beasts (Rune Dungeon): 

Strong Monsters: Hwa, Garo, Khmun, Chloe, Belladeon, Fran, Delphoi, Darion

Team Examples:

  • Hwa (L), Khmun, Chloe, Belladeon 
  • Hwa (L), Khmun, Fran, Belladeon 
  • Hwa (L), Khmun, Delphoi, Belladeon 
  • Garo (L), Khmun, Chloe, Belladeon 
  • Garo (L), Khmun, Colleen, Darion
  • Verdehile (L), Hwa, Chloe, Belladeon 
  • Verdehile (L), Hwa, Delphoi, Belladeon 
  • Verdehile (L), Hwa, Fran, Belladeon 

Attack Order: If you have good enough runes you should be able to go straight for the boss on all three stages. If you don't have as good runes try Boss --> Left, Boss --> Left, Boss.

Full Karzhan Level 5 Team Guides

Full Ellunia Level 5 Team Guides


Dimension Dungeon Rewards

For completing a run in the Dimensional Hole you will be rewarded with one of the following: Ancient Rune / Ancient Grindstone / Ancient Gem. 

Ancient Runes, Grinds, and Gems will have similar grades to the current items but with a small increase in the initial stat values. 

Here is how Ancient Runes compare to normal runes (only the initial substats are higher not each roll):

Here is how Ancient Grinds and Gems compare to normal ones:

Lastly here is what rune types/sets will drop in the first two stages of the Dimensional Hole:

Dimensional Hole Secondary Awakenings

You will be able to Awaken some 3-star and 2-star monsters again within the Dimensional Hole by using that monster in battles in specific stages. 

1. You can tap the thumbnails shown at the top-right to enter each monster’s secondary weakening dungeon. With the first update, a total of 4 monsters will be available in the secondary awakening dungeon. Dimension Karzhan – Inugami and Warbear / Dimension Ellunia – Fairy and Pixie

2. A total of 5 difficulty levels exist. You have to clear the previous level to enter the next level. You can enter levels at any time once they are opened.


When the monster you're trying to second awaken completes a stage they will gain AXP which is experience needed to complete the second awakening.

It will take about 100 runs on the highest difficulty level to finish awakening the monster. Since you will only get 12 energy per day it will take about 9 days to fully awaken one monster.

When you second awaken monsters they will gain the following:

  • Basic stats will be increased greatly
  • Skills will be upgraded
  • The monster’s appearance will be upgraded

When you second awaken a monster all your skillups will be reset and you'll have to reskillup that monster with other second awakened monsters from that family (You cannot skillup a second awakened monster with a first awakened monster).


Secondary Awakening Skill Upgrades



Secondary Awakening Dungeon Rewards

In the secondary awakening dungeons, new items are available as rewards. The acquired items can be used at the Craft Building to craft Ancient Runes and Ancient Reappraisal Stones.


Ancient Rune & Ancient Reappraisal Stone Crafting

- [Craft Building > Rune > Craft Ancient Rune] will be added.
When crafting an Ancient Rune, you will be able to select a rune of each dimension to craft.
You will need materials (Rune Ores) that are dropped in the selected dimension, so we advise you to know which runes are dropped in each dimension.

- [Craft Building > Special > Ancient Reappraisal Stone] will be added.
To craft Ancient Reappraisal Stones, you will need Ancient Magic Stones and Ancient Magic Origins that are dropped in all dimensions. An Ancient Reappraisal Stone can be crafted two times per week.

Please note that the Ancient Reappraisal Stones can only be used on the Ancient Runes.
Also, you cannot use normal Grindstones, Enchanted Gems and Reappraisal Stones on the Ancient Runes.

In the chart below, you can find what kind of materials you need to craft the Ancient Runes and Ancient Reappraisal Stones.


50% Complete

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