Awakening: New Skill (Pep Talk)
Health: 8730 ~ Defense: 560 ~ Speed: 111 ~ Accuracy: 0% ~ Resistance: 15%
Attack: 505 ~ Critical Rate: 15% ~ Critical Damage: 50%
Skillups Needed: 13 (Use Family Skillups)
Multiplier: (360% ATK + 20 DMG)
Attacks all enemies, decreasing their Attack Speed for 2 turns with an 80% chance on each target. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: (210% ATK)
Increases the Attack Power and Defense of all allies for 3 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns)
You want the Wind Pixie, Shannon to be very tanky with some speed. You should try to get her to 45% accuracy then focus on HP, Def, and Speed.
Energy / Energy / Energy
(HP% / HP% / HP%)
(HP% / HP% / Def%)
Despair / Energy
(SPD / HP% / HP%)
(HP% / HP% / Def%)
If you're looking for a more in-depth guide on how to build, rune, and use Shannon for different content in Summoners War, consider getting our Rune Farming Guide. There we cover exactly how much of each stat you will need and what other monsters to use on teams with Veromos.
We'll rank and rate how good the monster is in the various areas of the game.
GB10 (8/10): Shannon is a great monster for an early game Giants B10 team. She is one of the staple GB10 starter monsters, but once you start transitioning to a speed team you will no longer use her for giants.
DB10 (0/10): Shannon is not usable in DB10 because she has low base stats and is a wind monster.
NB10 (0/10): She is pretty useless in Nerco B10 because she has no Multi-Hits and does little to no damage.
ToA (6/10): She is pretty good for a beginner ToA team because of her AoE Attack Speed Slow, Defense Buff, and stuns if you build her on Despair.
Rift of Worlds (0/10): Shannon's kit doesn't really help in Rift of Worlds content and by the time you are ready for Rift you will have a Megan which is a better version of Shannon.
Labyrinth (3/10): If you're really limited on options Shannon can be used in some Labyrinth stages but it's not recommended.
Dimensional Hole (0/10): Shannon doesn't seem to have any place in the Dimensional Hole other than to second awaken her.
Arena (1/10): Shannon should only be used in PvP when you are very new to the game and only have a few monsters runed up. Her low base stats make her very bad in most PvP situations.
Guild Wars (1/10): Shannon should only be used in PvP when you are very new to the game and only have a few monsters runed up. Her low base stats make her very bad in most PvP situations.
RTA (1/10): Shannon should only be used in PvP when you are very new to the game and only have a few monsters runed up. Her low base stats make her very bad in most PvP situations.
Here is everything you need to know about the monster.
Overview: Shannon is a great early game monster that you get for free from completing the story missions. You will only use her for a short time but she is worth building up because of how strong she is in early game content.
How To Build / Rune: You'll want around 45% accuracy so she will land her attack speed slow and glancing debuffs. After that focus on high HP and Def with some speed.
When you have good enough despair runes you should put her on those for ToA but until then just use whatever runes give you the most stats. You can use Swift but it's better to save your Swift runes for other monsters that need higher speed and just use Energy runes on Shannon.
How And Where To Use: In the early game you're going to use her pretty much everywhere as a general support buffer. Where she really shines is in GB10 and ToA.